Thursday August 15th, 2024 ~3:15pm

* Took out the miku gif, added some more buttons to home page

Thursday August 1st, 2024 ~7:45pm

* Worked on home/index page layout. Added header, footer and nav section. Still not a lot of stuff in those sections yet...

Tuesday July 23nd, 2024 ~7:45pm

* Added the Cool Sites page. Style sheet theme is changed but it's taking a while to update. When it does, the font should be comic sans.

Monday July 22nd, 2024 ~11:15pm

* Added a Hatsune Miku gif to the home page.

Monday July 22nd, 2024 ~11:00pm

* Update log is it's own page now separate from the home index. You can click on a boring rectangular button to navigate!

Monday July 22nd, 2024 ~10:30pm

* Just added an icon (also drawn in MS paint) for the website brower tab.

Monday July 22nd, 2024 ~8:15pm

* Just added a worldfamoustony logo (drawn in MS paint) .png image to the top of the site. Also made the background black and the text white.

Sunday July 21st, 2024 ~10pm

* I've just made my neocities website, so there's not much to see here yet. I don't even know how to code HTML but it looks like it could be cool to make a nice lil' website with stuff I like. Stay tuned for something new (hopefully)!